The Life for Silver Coast project, which has among its many objectives the very important one of replicability of the integrated and electric transportation system, has already been taken as a model by several municipalities located between Lazio, Calabria and Tuscany.

The municipalities at which the shared, integrated and electric mobility model of the Life for Silver Coast project has been replicated are as follows:

Municipality of Monterotondo Marittimo: No. 10 stalls through Brick Bike Boxes with related E-Bikes and Mobile Application for booking sharing services are currently in place and functioning. The service was jointly implemented by the two partners Green Action and On Electric Charge Mobility who provided respectively, bicycle stations, E-Bikes and Service Management Platform.

Municipality of Tarquinia: there are currently present and operating No. 32 stalls distributed in No. 4 different cyclostations and realized by means of Brick Bike Lock and Brick bike Box, dedicated in part to the sharing of vehicles (scooters & E-Bikes) and in part to the parking of private bikes. The supply includes the software application program on the platform and the APP for managing the electric vehicle system. The fleet of shared electric vehicles consists of No. 9 E-Bikes and No. 3 E-Scooters. The service was jointly implemented by the two partners Green Action and On Electric Charge Mobility who provided respectively, bicycle stations, E-Bikes&E-Scooter and Service Management Platform.

Municipality of Anguillara Sabazia: No. 4 Brick Bike Box and Brick Bike Lock cyclostations were installed for a total of no. 44 stalls, intended for parking and bike sharing service in four separate areas. The fleet prepared for the sharing service was composed as follows: No. 10 E-Bikes No. 4 E-Scooters No. 5 Mountain Bikes No. 8 Electric Scooters. In this case, the municipality decided to set up, as in the Tuscan municipalities of the LFSC project, an environmental monitoring system complete with a data management and processing platform with 4 fixed and No. 10 mobile stations for territorial mapping. The service was jointly implemented by the two partners Green Action and On Electric Charge Mobility who provided respectively, bicycle stations, environmental monitoring system, electric vehicle fleet and Service Management Platform.

Municipality of San Cesareo: there are currently present and operational No. 24 stalls, Brick Bike Box & Brick Bike Lock, distributed in No. 2 separate locations dedicated partly to sharing vehicles (scooters & E-Bike) and partly to private bike parking. The supply is inclusive of the Software Application Program on APP platform to manage the electric vehicle system and the Fleet of shared electric vehicles consisting of No. 6 E-Bikes and No. 3 E-Scooters. Again, The intermodal and sustainable mobility model, was integrated with the environmental monitoring platform consisting of: data processing platform, Fixed Monitoring Stations and Mobile Probes. The service was jointly implemented by the two partners Green Action and On Electric Charge Mobility who provided respectively, Bicycle Stations, Environmental Monitoring System, Electric Vehicle Fleet and Service Management Platform.

Municipality of Montalto di Castro: No. 30 stalls are currently being installed in No. 3 separate locations through Brick Bike Box & Brick Bike Lock. The service provides No. 16 pedal-assisted public bicycles, No. 4 electric scooters, App for service management. The System dedicated to sustainable mobility, will also be integrated with an environmental monitoring system, through the use of fixed and mobile probes and the data management and processing platform. The service was jointly implemented by the two partners Green Action and On Electric Charge Mobility who provided respectively, cyclostations, environmental monitoring system, fleet of electric vehicles and Service Management Platform.

Lazio Region – Lazio Crea: No. 8 stalls were installed in No. 1 location (Santa Severa Castle) through Brick Bike Lock cyclostations. The service provides No. 8 pedal-assisted public bicycles, App for service management. The service was jointly implemented by the two partners Green Action and On Electric Charge Mobility who provided respectively, bicycle stations, electric vehicle fleet and Service Management Platform.

– City of Vibo Valentia: No. 40 stalls are currently being installed in No. 4 separate locations, by means of Brick Bike Lock cyclostations. The service provides No. 20 pedal-assisted public bicycles, and App to manage the service. The service was jointly implemented by the two partners Green Action and On Electric Charge Mobility who provided respectively, cyclostations, fleet of electric vehicles and Service Management Platform.

– Autostrade per l’Italia: No. 20 stalls are currently being installed at Autostrade’s corporate headquarters by means of Brick Bike Lock cyclostations. The service provides No. 20 pedal-assisted bicycles, E-scooters and E-Cars, App for service management. The service was jointly implemented by the two partners Green Action and On Electric Charge Mobility who provided respectively, cyclostations, fleet of electric vehicles and Service Management Platform.

– Expression of interest submitted by Green Action in ATI with the partner company On Electric Charge Mobility, for the “Bracciano Martignano Regional Natural Park”: The Park with its No. 10 municipalities, represents an important piece to be included in the mission of replicability of the LFSC project since the proposed project, offers the main services put in place in the Life project, such as: E-Bike Sharing service, shelter and recharge at bicycle stations (Lock/Box), environmental monitoring, management of the service with special App.
The project proposed in ATI is aimed at the municipalities of Sutri , Bassano Romano, Monterosi , Oriolo Romano, Manziana , Bracciano , Trevignano Romano, Campagnano Romano, Anguillara Sabazia and Cesano, which will not only be interconnected by the bicycle network usable through E-Bike Sharing service proposed in the expression of interest, but will also be equipped with appropriate environmental sensoristics and related web app, through which it will be possible to access and monitor the trend of the environmental impact that pollutants have on all the territories involved.

– In addition to what has been mentioned above, thanks to the visibility obtained in the Tuscan territory of the integrated transport system in general and in particular, of the cyclostations called Brick Bike Boxes, Roma Capitale has issued a call for bids with the intention of equipping the Capital with the same infrastructures dedicated in this case, however, to the parking of E-Bikes of private users and to be installed within the metropolitan stations of the City.
Green Action was awarded the tender “Tender by open procedure, for the conclusion of a framework agreement relating to the supply of a system of bicycle parking spaces inside the stations of the Rome Metropolitainment and the Rome Concession Railways,” announced by Roma Servizi per la Mobilità and, as of June, will begin installing the first of the 4. 000 stalls provided, over the next four years, by the call for bids itself.